Move-Out & Storage

As the end of the school year approaches, various end of year procedures regarding your campus mail at Tulane must be addressed. To assist in this process, you must verify your planned status and forwarding address. Please complete a Summer Mail Forwarding & Fall Mailbox Renewal Form. Failure to complete this form may result in the loss of your current mailbox assignment or disruption of your mail delivery.


University & Student Services (USS) has been selected as the 2019 approved summer storage vendor. 

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Tulane annually authorizes vendors to provide summer storage services to students who live on campus. Vendors are selected to assure students a variety of service options and that the vendor will adhere to University contractual and insurance standards. Included in this process is a review of the vendor’s business practices, prior service history, insurance coverage, agreed standards of performance, and their adherence to university policies, including those from Mail Services, Housing, and Public Safety.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does FedEx facilitate Spring Move-Out?

Yes. FedEx office will be available for all move-out shipping. Special move-out shipping operations will be available in the Pederson Lobby of the LBC. We encourage you to avoid the rush and get your boxes early. Please visit the FedEx Office in the LBC if you have any questions about shipping or need further assistance. 

I am planning on living on campus in the fall. Can I keep my same mail code number?

You must complete a Forwarding & Renewal Form and indicate that you are returning to campus in the fall. Failure to fully complete the form will result in the cancellation of your current campus mail code assignment. If you did not complete the form and you are in fact returning, you will be assigned a new mail code number once your status has been reconfirmed by Housing and Residence Life.

I am moving off-campus. Can I keep my on-campus mail code?

No. Student campus mail codes are only available to students living in university housing.

I am taking a leave of absence or participating in a study abroad program for the fall semester. Will you forward my mail and hold my mail code?

We are unable to hold mail codes for students temporarily not living on campus. Once you return to campus housing, you will be able to apply for a new mail code assignment.

I don't know what my status will be this fall. How should I complete the form?

Your best bet would be to indicate that you will be living on campus. That way, your mail code will be held at least until mid-June when Housing and Residence Life confirms your status. You can always update your status by emailing

Will you forward my mail to me during the summer?

Yes, all USPS Priority, First Class, and periodical rate letter mail will be forwarded to the address provided on your forwarding/renewal form. We will begin forwarding all mail the third week of May. We will stop forwarding for returning students on August 1 for letter mail. Packages for returning students will be held starting on July 15. 

We cannot forward mail to an international address. If your forwarding address is international, your mail will be held during the summer and made available to you when you return in the fall.

Packages will be subject to charges to cover cost forward shipping. Recipients will be notified of the cost and have a limited time to reply and pay via credit card. If no reply these items will be returned to sender.

Be sure to inform all parties that send you mail of your new address as soon as possible. Be sure to update your address with all online retailers (Amazon, eBay, etc.) that you frequently use. You will also need to update your address with the Tulane Registrar’s Office. This can be done in Gibson Online.

Will you forward packages to me during the summer?

Packages will be subject to charges to cover cost forward shipping. Recipients will be notified of the cost and have a limited time to reply and pay via credit card. If no reply these items will be returned to sender.

If I am moving off-campus, what address should I use for summer forwarding?

Use whatever address you want your mail to be sent to during the summer. You can change your forwarding address to your new local off-campus address at any time by completing a new Mail Forwarding Form.

What if my forwarding address changes or I return to campus early?

Any changes to your forwarding address or campus status after May 31 must be submitted via email to Keep in mind that due to high forwarding volume, changes can take up to 5 business days to process.

Do I have to complete a change of address form with the USPS?

No, the USPS does not offer forwarding from a university address. This is a service that Tulane Mail Services provides.

If I am moving off-campus or leaving the university, how long will you forward my mail?

We will forward your mail for up to 3 months after you leave.

If I am moving off campus, do I have to register my change of address anywhere else?

Yes. You must make a change of address in Gibson Online. You should also make sure to change your address with any online shopping sites (Amazon, eBay, etc.) that you frequently use. If you were employed by Tulane, you must also complete a new Payroll/Personal Information form so that any outstanding Direct Deposit Advices and W-2s will be sent to the correct address. These forms are available on the Tulane Human Resources website.

How long does it take my forwarded mail to reach me?

Mail is received and processed for forwarding on a daily basis during the summer. As the volume of forwarded mail is much higher during this time. It may take more than one day to process everything. Once processed, it is turned over to the USPS for redelivery to your forwarding address. The USPS does not give priority status to forwarded mail, so it is not unusual to experience delays..